FixMyPC- A useful service

The term “Fix My PC” describes a very small service that this business has to offer the public. The company can repair almost any electronic device whether it be a Playstation, an Xbox or an iPhone. This business offers the public a safety net when it comes to technology problems.

It is difficult to think of where we as a society would be without the excellent services that this business has to offer. If a laptop breaks it can quickly be repaired by highly qualified technology experts. Instead of having to buy a new laptop which would cost hundreds, it can be repaired within 3 working days according to the company’s website.

Furthermore, it can act as an agent that will prevent the spread of harmful viruses. If a computer is affected by a virus that could potentially send personal information to another person, FixMyPC can remove the virus before any real damage has been done.

The majority of households also have one or more games consoles. This business can fix almost any problem that arises including water damage, connectivity problems or the yellow/red ring of death. These issues affect users every day and it is positive to know that there is a professional organisation out there that can solve these frustrating problems.

The website of FixMyPC is also very easy to useful and it displays a lot of information about common problems that occur. Also, the public can send a quick message to the business regarding any enquiries that they may have.

The problem with Irish society today

With no signs of the economic outlook on Ireland getting any better, there are fundamental problems that need to be addressed. The main reason why the economy is suffering and that there is huge unemployment is because of the EU/IMF bailout.

The bailout was signed by the previous government that would give Ireland the funds it needs to survive. However this will mean that Ireland has lost its economic soverignty which will now be controlled by the Troika. Yet still to this day people are bewildered as to why they have to pay back the debts of bankers and property developers. The Irish tax payer must pay back the huge bailout  loan that was given to Ireland without any permission what so ever.

In the video below you can see that the leaders of the Troika will not answer Vincent Browne’s question. This is the problem with Irish society today. There seems to be a higher class of people who are running the country and we do not seem to know anything about them. As the foreign rulers force austerity measures such as massive cuts to services and huge increases in taxes, they still do not answer the simple questions such as “what are you doing with our money?” and “why are you bailing out a toxic bank?”

<div style=”width:425px” id=”__ss_11906572″> <strong style=”display:block;margin:12px 0 4px”><a href=”” title=”Mn319 ca1″ target=”_blank”>Mn319 ca1</a></strong> http://ahref= <div style=”padding:5px 0 12px”> View more <a href=”” target=”_blank”>PowerPoint</a> from <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Adam Brennan</a> </div> </div>

Aengus O Snodaigh Sinn Fein Print Cartridges

Aengus O Snodaigh

It has recently been revealed that Sinn Fein’s Aengus O Snodaigh has spent €50,000 of taxpayer’s money on print cartridges. With the country rotting in the deepest recession in recent history, politicians are still wasting money on needless advertising. He used the cartridges to print leaflets which would undoubtedly state how Sinn Fein will be the ‘miracle party’ that rescues the economy.

The man who people voted for to represent them in the Dail still claims that he did nothing wrong. As people struggle to feed their families, pay their mortgages and face increasing education costs it is disgraceful to see that politicians who have comfortable incomes not pay for their own advertising.

We elected Aengus O Snodaigh and we pay his wages with our taxes. With cuts to every service in the economy and increases in taxes, money is still being wasted. It may be small to think but this money could have been used to keep an extra special needs teacher in a school or a nurse in a hospital but instead it was used on printing fliers.

The Evening Herald report on Tuesday the 28th of Febuary 2012 was very detailed in outlining that in 2007 O Snodaigh clocked up a bill of €25,959 on his advertising. The country needs to balance its budget deficit and every bit of money is vital in these uncertain and turbulant times

<div style=”width:425px” id=”__ss_11906572″> <strong style=”display:block;margin:12px 0 4px”><a href=”” title=”Mn319 ca1″ target=”_blank”>Mn319 ca1</a></strong> http://ahref= <div style=”padding:5px 0 12px”> View more <a href=”” target=”_blank”>PowerPoint</a> from <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Adam Brennan</a> </div> </div>